A CLEAR Path to God
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Hi! I’m Jan Weel
A warm welcome to the ‘START HERE’ Page of A Clear Path to God.
Here, you’ll find practical help and resources to guide and inspire you at whatever stage you might be in your particular journey with the Lord or whatever personal situation you’re seeking God’s urgent help for.
A Clear Path to God is specially designed to empower Christian women from any Christian denomination to connect —or re-connect —to the Lord for whatever reason they might need to.
It positions you to meet the Lord himself, rather than just ‘hear about’ Him second-hand.
This includes women who
- need God’s urgent help to resolve a personal problem, heal a relationship, or deal with a crisis or trauma of any kind
- have had a close relationship with the Lord but, just when they need His help most, can’t seem to ‘find’ Him
- find that all the ways of prayer that have worked so well for them before have now suddenly fallen flat on their face
3 Ways to Help You Right Away
- A FREE PDF GUIDE that introduces you to the 2 steps of a simple yet guaranteed way to actually experience firsthand for yourself God’s love and rest —whenever you want or need it
- An abundance of articles for Christian women who wish to start on this way, for women who wish to grow on this way, and for those who are already familiar with it and are ready for a bit of extra challenge.
In these articles, you discover 1.) why this way is absolutely critical to a genuine relationship and friendship with the Lord and 2.) how to develop and nurture it
And you can read my personal story which led to the founding of this online magazine for Christian women.
Each of these 3 ways
- empowers you to go beyond doctrine and tradition to actual regular, repeated meetings with the Lord himself —whenever you want or need to
- helps you discover how to EXPERIENCE in each one of these meetings —firsthand for yourself —God’s profound love for YOU as well as His healing rest (peace)
- leads you gradually, but with absolute certainty, to a quality of life with the Lord that you likely never thought possible and that you’ll never regret
- guarantees healthier and far more rewarding personal relationships with your family, friends, work colleagues, faith partners, and the wider world
You see, until you know how to actually experience firsthand for yourself God’s love and rest —whenever you want or need to —you remain at the mercy of whatever and whoever life throws your way.
It’s like trying to walk your Christian journey on only one foot.
Yes, when life is going smoothly you might manage to hobble along. But when big potholes in the road appear, and unexpected crises and profound traumas arrive without warning, it will be only a matter of time before you begin to stumble and hurt yourself.
The Lord certainly doesn’t want that for you, and neither do I.
A Clear Path to God is designed to
- make sure that you have TWO strong, healthy feet at all times for walking your Christian journey
- demonstrate to you that the regular, repeated experience of God’s presence, love and rest ensures unparalleled, positive benefits for
- your ongoing relationship and personal journey with the Lord
- every aspect of your personal life
- the lives of your family
- all those whose lives you touch, mentor, or take responsibility for
The Very Real Benefits to You
- are able soak in the Lord’s HEALING presence, love, and rest whenever you need or want to
- begin to understand the way the Lord sees you
- are able to accept and LOVE yourself just as you are —sins, warts, weaknesses and all
- begin to understand the way the Lord sees all the significant others in your life
- are able to accept others just as they are without first having to change them!
- start to understand what might have kept you from connecting to God more fully
- start to understand what might have kept you back from receiving all the good things God has waiting for you
- become not only a recipient but an agent of God’s love for your spouse, children, extended family, friends, work colleagues, faith partners, and wider community —and so actively help the Lord to heal our very broken world
- are able to let God transform your weaknesses and limitations into new gifts and strengths!
- are able to let God enhance your existing gifts and strengths to their optimum potential
- gain a new spiritual confidence, power, faith, freedom and strength that are the fruits of a deep and ‘real’ relationship with God
- arrive at a deep inner peace and joy that lasts
- know that no one and no life-situation can ever take that joy and peace from you again
- sleep well at night
- experience a gradual, but certain, improvement of your energy and overall health —spiritually, mentally, emotionally —and, yes, physically
- are far better able to nurture and maintain healthy, loving and rewarding relationships with your …
extended family
faith partners
work colleagues
those who wound you
all those in your care
If ANY of these benefits appeal to you, don’t wait. Grab my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-step Guide and discover how to meet the Lord in an entirely fresh and life-renewing way!
You’ll come to value this Guide as your primary go-to resource.
And you’ll love the gift that comes at the end!
Scroll down to get it now!
Discover how to restoreyour inner peace and joy in a way that lasts in my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-step Guide
How to Regain, and Maintain,
Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:
A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One