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- Who —REALLY—is God for YOU?….
A CLEAR Path to God
Have a look…
The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating…

Here’s how God has used me to help Christian women from a wide variety of Christian denominations
Sonia —Mother, Grandmother, and Business Owner

Jan uses her special gifts to guide me into that quiet place where I am able not only to talk to God but to quiet my inner self so that I can actually listen and hear what God is saying to me.
Patricia—Mother and grandmother

I really miss the one-on-one guidance sessions with Jan. I felt so cared for and respected as I would watch Jan thinking on the spot before coming up with a clear and helpful answer as I placed the complexities of my problem before her.
Nel—University Librarian
There are benefits to having a spiritual guide. Jan has broadened my understanding, offered new insights in a non-judgmental way, and encouraged and challenged me to stay the course in difficult times.
Jan’s approach truly enlarges our understanding both of the scriptures and of prayer. With her guidance and accompaniment, I arrive at a much richer understanding of both the scriptures and of the God at their centre.
A Case Study
Pat—Mother and Grandmother

Many years before I was introduced to silent prayer, I had always enjoyed a close relationship with God which, of course, included praying in different ways.
Now, after nearly twenty-five years of exposure to this way of praying, I have come to value silence and silent prayer as an essential and extremely beneficial aspect of my life in general, and of my spiritual journey in particular.
I know that when I am perplexed or need God’s special light on a situation or relationship, I can return to the silence and enter more fully into His presence.
The benefits are unquestionable.
The certainty I have about my relationship with God becomes even greater.
I know I can depend on Him when all else fails.
I have learned how important it is for me to enter into quiet time with the Lord and remain in the silence, so that the Holy Spirit can lead me into receiving fully whatever He wants to give me.
This has been a real freedom for me.
I always thought I had to do quite a bit of talking in order for God to hear me!
I wish that everyone could experience this freedom and release.
As I’ve learned over the years in our prayer and retreat sessions with Jan, the Holy Spirit is with me and I am with Him and I don’t need to speak in the time of silent prayer.
There are no words or thoughts to get in the way of our being present to each other —really present.
This does not mean that thoughts don’t come; they bombard you at times!
But it means that once you enter your prayer time with the firm intention of letting go of thoughts, you start to open up a space that God can enter.
This is SO worth the effort of learning to let go of thoughts and thinking!
After the time of silence, as I go back into the routine of the following hours or days, I notice that something in me has changed in some subtle —or sometimes extremely clear —way.
And I notice that when I do need or want to speak to the Lord, or get his advice, outside the time of silence —often when I am washing the dishes, driving in the car, or playing with my dog —I can hear Him speaking to me very clearly.
Deep in my being, I have come to see that this ability to hear God clearly, and to be uninhibited about asking Him questions, and to actually expect Him to answer me, is due to the time I have committed to spending quietly in His presence.
I know even better now that the Holy Spirit will guide me —sometimes very specifically —in certain events and situations in my life.
There is nothing that can beat this!
Ann --
Mother, grandmother, and Business Manager
In both the good and bad times of her life, Jan’s witness has been one of amazing serenity and peace.
This can only be explained by the depth of her faith in God, which in turn is anchored in a life of deep and intimate prayer.
It is not surprising that the Lord has been able to use Jan’s gifts to help others on their Christian journeys.’
Patricia—High School English Teacher
“Jan’s words—written and spoken—are credible because everything she teaches to others she has already experienced firsthand. Jan’s personal awareness of God’s constant presence and love in her life at all times has truly impacted my life and outlook.”

How My FREE PDF GUIDE Helped Sonia and her Friends
Jan sent me her PDF GUIDE in the middle of this pandemic we are facing across the globe. The timing I believe was God appointed. 1
The concise and very practical way in which Jan explained the ease at which we can enter into the presence of God and envelop ourselves in the love He offers us as our Abba Father, was a timely reminder for me.
I have walked this journey with Jan for about thirty years, and quieting myself and spending time in HIS Presence is very much a part of my own walk with Jesus.
Discovering how to experience God’s love in this manner and journaling those things that the Holy Spirit speaks into my spirit helps my see my life with all of its challenges through the eyes of Jesus.
It truly dispels my fears and wipes away the anxiety that can so easily turn my life into turmoil.
One of the most helpful things about this article is that I can share these steps now so easily with friends and share this truly life changing process as we seek to know Jesus more intimately and make Him known.
Thank you, Jan, for sharing this with me.
Things Others Say
Jan …
‘has a special gift for accepting all people just as they are without having to change them first’
Spiritual guide, Canada
‘has a highly-developed intuition that seems to know when I need help, without being told, even though we are thousands of miles apart’
One of the women I’ve guided
‘is a courageous seeker of truth even when the potential negative consequences for her are huge’
Experienced Catholic spiritual guide, former head of her religious congregation and former prioress of her monastery, Canada
‘has much work to do for the Lord’
Senior Jesuit priest, England
‘is able to be in a place with God that many of us wish we could be’
Young Christian wife and mother, Canada
‘has the gift of bringing people enlightenment’
Headmistress of grammar school
‘exudes a spirit of peace’
Elderly woman acquaintance, Toronto, Canada
‘has an unusually healthy sense of self’
Psychologist and Methodist pastor, United States
‘possesses a strong spiritual core’
Former joint-director of a Catholic retreat centre, United States
Be kind to yourself.
Scroll down to get my FREE PDF GUIDE
Discover how to restore your inner peace and joy in a way that lasts in my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-step Guide
How to Regain, and Maintain,
Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:
A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One