A CLEAR Path to God
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How I learned to Let God Find Me
in the Good Times and the Bad:
A Spiritual Memoir

Hi! I’m Jan Weel.
Thank you for visiting my book page. I believe that you’ll find something in my book that really helps you begin, renew, or deepen your own journey with God.
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2 other books to which I’m a contributing author:
When things come crashing down around you, where can you find a safe place to recoup your energies —emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual —and deal with the situation constructively, without losing your inner peace and joy?
What do you do when God disappears off your radar just when you need Him most?
What do you do when all your usual efforts to pray that have worked so well for you before, now suddenly fall flat on their face?
What do you do when the usually reliable advice of your wisest friends no longer helps?
- Does God really care when your heart is breaking, or does He hang out in His own safe ivory tower, cut off from the highs and lows of raw human experience?
- Has God simply abandoned you to the mercy of life’s chaos, pain and evil? Or has He in fact given you the resources necessary not just to rise above them but to emerge from them in far healthier shape —emotionally, spiritually, physically, and psychologically —than before?
- Is it possible that God wants to find you far more than you want to find Him?
- Is it possible to engage God directly in conversation, to ask Him questions and hear Him answer?
- Who, anyway, causes suffering —God or the Devil?
- What actually is evil, and where does it come from?
- Must you simply accept evil as part of all human life, an aspect of the human condition about which you can do nothing? Or is there a way you can pro-actively neutralize and defeat evil and draw blessings and benefits out of it?
Using her personal life experiences of both truly joyful and profoundly traumatic times over thirty-seven years, Jan Weel demonstrates to readers that God has not abandoned them to the ups and downs of human experience but has given them several specific tools for transforming these life-experiences into even better-than-good times.
How I learned to Let God Find Me in the Good Times and the Bad: A Spiritual Memoir offers a life-changing opportunity to any Christian who is no longer helped by hearing mere second- or third-hand ‘versions’ of how much God loves them, but wants to experience His love firsthand for themselves.
Readers discover that they can begin a journey with God that is personal, exceptionally real, and immeasurably rewarding, in which they can actually
- meet the Lord
- experience His presence, love and rest —firsthand, directly, without filters, one-on-one, for themselves
This book introduces readers to the way they can make this journey a tangible reality in their lives.
Its centrepiece is a way of praying that enables them to consciously invite God into all their painful and traumatic experiences.
Once they do, the Lord uses these experiences to lead them into unparalleled blessings and benefits that they might never receive in any other way.
The Lord becomes not just their Saviour but their personal Teacher.
That is why this way of prayer is guaranteed to get sound results —always.
How I learned to Let God Find Me in the Good Times and the Bad demonstrates that when you know how to experience God’s presence, His love and His peace —whenever you want or need to —you are able not just to survive but to thrive right smack in the midst of even your most traumatic experiences.
Jan’s story provides other simple, yet highly reliable, ‘how-to’s’ for Christians in need of urgent help from God, as well as for those who are simply looking for a more ‘real’ connection/experience with Him.
In Parts Two and Three, Jan Weel shares many of her diary entries. This gives readers vivid insights into some of the day-to-day emotions Jan had to face as she allowed God to find her, and to love her, in her pain.
Book Contents
Part One: The Good Times
- The Early Years
- University, Marriage and Family
- My Second Conversion
- Into the Wilderness: Experiencing an ‘Absent’ God
- The Beginnings of an Answer to My Search
- Gleams of Light
- God Finds Me: He Teaches Me How to Enter into His Presence and Pray with and from My Heart
- The Results of Experiencing God’s Presence and His Love Directly, Without Filters
- Return to Barbados
Part Two: The Bad Times
- The Experience of Betrayal
- Divorce and the Question of Pain
- Dealing with Pain
- Annulment: The Pain That Kills
- Dealing with Evil
Part 3: Shalom, Resurrection, and Victory
- Lessons Learned from My Second Conversion*
- Signposts
- Holy Friends—and the Return of the Joyful Shepherd
- Several Promises, One Consolation, and One Instruction
- Expressway to Victory
- The Enemy Attacks: The Lord Rebuts
- Victory
- Following Victory
- Mission Accomplished: Part One
- Mission Accomplished: Part Two
- Looking Back and Looking Forward
Who This Book Helps
This book helps readers who
- are faced with an ‘impossible’ situation of any kind
e.g. in your relationships, finances, or in your emotional, mental, physical or spiritual life; or if you are ill, facing bereavement, dealing with violence of any kind, are the victim of a crime, have been made redundant or have been let go from your job - are experiencing a lack of deep and lasting inner peace and joyneed to sleep more soundly at night
- need to connect urgently to the Lord, whatever the reason
- need to know how to experience firsthand God’s Presence, love and rest
- feel that God has let them down
- are angry with God
- are experiencing a flatness or staleness in their once-lively relationship with the Lord
- want to hear the Lord speak to them personally
- are finding it difficult to establish priorities
- are finding it difficult to make important life decisions
- want to develop the confidence and trust to EXPECT Him to ANSWER their questions
- have hit a spiritual roadblock of any kind
- are carrying baggage —mental emotional, physical and even spiritual —that they think could be getting in the way of letting God find them
- feel that they keep spinning their spiritual wheels
Book Takeaways…
- Trying to walk the Christian journey without being able to experience firsthand for yourself God’s love for you, makes your life unnecessarily hard
- When you need God urgently, for whatever reason, you don’t need more Bible studies, sermons, advice from your wisest friends, or even prayer groups.
Not right now.
- Instead, you need 4 things only: to …
- experience God’s presence, love and rest firsthand for yourself, directly, one-on-one
- develop the confidence to ask God questions
- to develop the confidence to EXPECT Him to answer!
- easy access to some form of reliable spiritual guidance reliable spiritual guidance
- In this simple way, the Lord himself becomes not only your Saviour but your personal Teacher, Best Friend, and always-dependable Guide
- Once you’ve got a good grasp of these 4 essential things, you can and should return to your Bible studies, sermons and prayer groups.
You’ll discover that they take on new, fresh life and meaning for you! Because you’ve now established a deep and far more ‘real’ relationship and friendship with the Person at their centre
About the Author
For 26 years, Jan Weel has successfully accompanied and guided Christian women from a wide variety of Christian denominations on their individual spiritual journeys.
Jan has also received intensive training in Christian spiritual formation, with special emphasis on
- being able to experience firsthand and directly God’s presence, love, and rest
- praying with and from the heart, without the usual words and thoughts
- discerning the presence of both good and evil in one’s own life as well as in the lives of others
- discerning where and how God might be at work in one’s life and the lives of others
- using the scriptures as the essential stepping-off point for each one of the above
Jan comes from the Anglo-Catholic and Roman Catholic traditions of Christianity.
But she believes very strongly that no single Christian denomination has the right to put God in a box of its own making.
All Christians, Jan believes, have a sacred responsibility, relying on the ever-available guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, to make into actual reality Jesus’ final wish and prayer just before He died: namely, that all His followers would unite in His love as ONE (John 17:22 – 23).
What readers say About This Book
“Some books deliver the unexpected. This is one such book. Compelling for anyone who has gone through times of crisis, Jan Weel’s personal account contains a spiritual gem—a methodology of relating to God—which has had a subtle but powerful impact on my own silent meditations.”
Liz, UK
“This book is one to keep on your bedside table for easy reference when you need spiritual help and comfort… Even troubled non-believers would find inspiration here.
With impressive honesty and transparency, Jan Weel shares her conviction regarding the healing power of praying with and from your heart, presenting with great clarity the solid Christian spiritual basis on which it rests.
The author’s powerful realisation that God is right there waiting for us to let Him into our worst life experiences would have great impact on someone seeking solace and enlightenment.”
Joan K, UK
“The author’s personal story and her clarity of expression make the book appealing and easy to understand for a wide range of age groups…particularly helpful for people facing losses in their life of any kind… The experiences shared in this book will serve as a great resource for people on their journey of faith.
The author leaves room for differences in faith background, but stresses the fact that it is about our relationship with a God who is interested in even the smallest details of our life journey.”
Elfrieda, Canada
MPC, RCC, Marriage & Family Therapist, teacher, spiritual mentor, Bachelor of Religious Education
Bachelor of Education
“The lessons Jan learned from her experience are applicable to others’ lives and Jan beautifully relates those lessons in straightforward and compelling ways.
There is much to be learned from this beautifully written book.”
Karen, Canada
Excerpt from Book…
Chapter Eight
Page 127
The Moment of Certainty
I am able to point to one specific time and to one specific place when I knew in the very depths of my being that I had been changed for all eternity.
This happened in the last three months of my conversion.
The time was early afternoon in the late spring of 1984. The place was the upstairs study of our suburban home. I had been sitting in our large, brown reclining armchair having a quiet time alone with God. Suddenly, I was gripped by the astonishing beauty of the western prairie afternoon sun, its rays bestowing a magical life on the room as they danced on the books lining the study’s opposite wall. All of a sudden, the recognition hit me that the only thing that mattered now and for all eternity was God’s love for each man, woman, boy and girl, and for every part of His creation.
I knew this now at my innermost core. I knew it beyond any shadow of doubt.
This infinite Love, this vast Force for good, this ‘only thing that mattered’, was in fact a Person —the Person whom I’d met and who had met me at a profound level and in an utterly real way; a Person whom I was indeed continuing to meet; One who steadfastly refused to be contained within any artificially imposed limits or boxes of our paltry human making. This Person was one of the three Persons of the Godhead, each in complete union with the other —God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
I understood now with absolute certainty that the Godhead’s love for all persons and all creation —and for each other —is the only thing that gives life and meaning to men, women, babies, girls, boys, animals, plants, seas, rivers, skies, mountains, planets, lakes, oceans, whales and the smallest insects—to everything that has ever existed, currently exists, or will ever exist in the universe!
I also knew with complete certainty that it is this Love alone that has the power to heal all inner pain and neutralize, defeat, completely supersede and, in fact, bring untold blessing out of all evil.
And I also knew for certain that as long as we did not deliberately shut it out, this Love could —and would —persist in finding us both in the good and the bad times of our lives.
Finally, I knew with complete certainty that no one and no life situation can ever rob you or me of an ongoing experience of God’s Presence, love and rest!
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How to Regain, and Maintain,
Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:
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