A CLEAR Path to God

Have a look…

It’s Time to be Healed and to Heal

The Prayer that Makes You and God ONE

Our World’s Ongoing Cycle of Violence

Our world has rapidly deteriorated into a state of increasing spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical distress and suffering.

What to do?

Jesus has already given us the answer:

Now I am giving you a new command—love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you must love one another. This is how all men will know that you are my disciples, because you have such love for one another.”

John 13:34 -35 J.B. Phillips New Testament

Love one another …as I have loved you.

The Lord is asking us Christian women to do for all others what He has done for YOU.

Namely, to send LOVE and HEALING prayer to anyone and everyone experiencing pain and suffering in our world —first  and foremost to our immediate family members, and then to everyone else —whether  friend or foe.

We are to bless those we call friends.

But we are equally to remember to bless our enemies, those who have caused us serious harm.

For Jesus told us:

“If you love only those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them! And if you do good only to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? 

Luke 6: 32 - 33 J.B. Phillips New Testament

And again:

 “But I say to all of you who will listen to me: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who treat you badly.

Luke 6: 27 – 28 J.B. Phillips New Testament


 LOVE, God’s love, is the highest energy there is or will ever be.

It lasts. It endures. It never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).

By contrast, human hate and wickedness don’t last. They are passing (Proverbs 10:25).

Your and my GOODNESS and your and my LOVE are the only truths that count for us as Christian women.

They are the only things that last right into eternity.

 Your love is the ONLY thing that can heal this world in which God has called you and me to live.

This is why you and I must love —genuinely LOVE —individuals we know. But it doesn’t stop there. We need then to extend God’s love —genuinely —to everyone we DON’T know, near and far, FRIEND OR FOE.

What Does it Really Mean to ‘Love’ Someone?

The Lord has placed a great call to LOVE on your life.

Loving someone does not necessarily mean that you ’like’ them.

Not at all.

In fact, the more you might dislike a person, a group, a community, a family, the more Jesus has commanded you and me to LOVE them.

Listen one more time to Jesus:

 “If you love only those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them! And if you do good only to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? 

Jesus is clear. He leaves nothing open to doubt.

He says that even when you and I don’t like or appreciate people, He wants and expects you and I to LOVE them!

Loving our enemies is how you and I live in Truth —the LORD’S truth.

And it is the Truth that sets you and me FREE.

Listen to Jesus again:

“If you are faithful to what I have said, you are truly my disciples. And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”

John 8: 31 -32   J.B. Phillips New Testament


The alternative to being FREE is to be BOUND i.e. to surrender your humanity and life to things that suck the very life out of you (see section below titled Choose Life).

Being bound drags you down.

Eventually, it will wear you out.

The Lord doesn’t want you to wear yourself down.  He wants you to look after yourself very, very well (especially if you have been wounded) and pay attention to your own needs (John 10:10).

Listen carefully to John the disciple’s prayer for you:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

 3 John 2 New King James Version

The Critical Question

So now the critical question is:

Do you have what it takes to pass on the Lord’s love to others, whoever they are, whichever ‘side’ they are on, whatever their religion or lack of it, and wherever in the world they might be?

Are you spiritually equipped to live, for the rest of your life, a life of LOVING —NOT cursing —those who cause you harm, those who wound you, those who discredit you, those who falsely accuse you, those who have betrayed you, those who have abused you in any way, those who disagree with you?


“The war is over. But when you come home there’s another war to face”:

On a recent Remembrance Day, a very elderly soldier spoke these haunting words. He had lost his buddy to PTSD.

 “The war is over. But when you come home there’s another war to face.”

In other words, with impressive grace, this elderly soldier shared with us an important fact: namely, that the emotional and mental violence of war can destroy and steal human lives just as much as the physical violence of war can.

He drew to our attention the unnerving fact that war and hate are not over when the war is over.

No, the truth is that too often an ongoing cycle of woundedness begins all over again.

This is why in these dangerous times YOU have a HUGE part to play for the Lord.

You and I must heal our world.

We must HEAL each other —TOGETHER!

We must enlist in a different army, the army of LOVE, and fight a different fight, the fight to counter hate with LOVE.

In fact, right at this moment, I believe Jesus is telling us that healing our world, stopping hate and killing, depends on you and me!

We must enlist in a different army, the army of LOVE, and fight a different fight, the fight to counter hate with LOVE

YOU Have a CRITICAL Role to Play:

Our World’s Healing Depends on YOU

You see, we can only heal our world TOGETHER.

It must be a joint effort.

The world’s peace and healing depends squarely on you and me playing our part.

In fact, if the truth be said, the world’s peace, wellbeing, and security depends on you and me just as much OR MORE than it depends on the brave soldiers we send to fight our battles in war!

Despite its Unquestioned Benefits, Current Technology Can Intensify Our World’s Suffering

Our current technology is an unquestioned blessing in many ways.

 But like any other human invention, it can be (and is) badly misused.

When this happens, it threatens the world’s wellbeing.

It has grave and humanly destructive effects.

One effect is that our social media experiences afforded by the internet can trick us into believing that we are connected to others in a real way,

But the truth is actually quite different. Genuine human connection must be deliberate, intentional, and committed.

Without genuine and deliberate intention and commitment, we fall into the trap of substituting a false ‘connectivity’ for genuine communication and community.

As a result, we can eventually experience a disconcerting LONELINESS.

Although ‘connected’ to endless ‘people’, we remain alone and lonely.

This loneliness intensifies our human suffering.

Another downside is that social media spreads destructive news easily and quickly.

Another downside is that it spreads FALSE NEWS just as quickly.

When this happens, our suffering intensifies.

Yet another downside is that people of ill will use social media to spread HATE.  

Finally, with the advent of 24-hour television and live streaming, you and I are now exposed to the reporting of news 24/7, much of which is BAD news.

By comparison, UPLIFTING news is in scarce supply.

 It’s Time for us to Read the Signs of the Times!

If we don’t carefully discern what we expose ourselves to, if we choose to subject ourselves to all of the above, we ourselves pay a heavy price.

And we cause the world to pay a heavy price.

Here’s the thing: to ask yourself:

Is this what I truly desire?

Am I healing our world or am I in fact unintentionally contributing to its increasing despair, suffering, and woundedness?

Choose Life

I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children shall live…

Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV

If you are to remain sane and healthy in your mind, body, and spirit, please make a conscious choice regarding what and how much you will allow yourself to be exposed to.

There is a fine line between being informed on world and local events, as you should be, and risking allowing yourself to become virtually addicted to bad news.

Please reject the culture of negativity and nihilism.

Choose LIFE.

And the ONLY way to choose life is to choose to LOVE others —your  enemies very definitely included!

For as Jesus has so clearly taught us:

WITHOUT love, there can be no life!  

Now I am giving yiu a new command —love  one another. Just as I have loved you, so you must love one another. This is how all men will know that you are my disciples…

John 13:34 -35 J.B. Phillips New Testament

Love one another …as I have loved you.

And, as Jesus also teaches us, the thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy:

 The thief comes to kill and destroy; I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.

 John 10:10 NIV

 Yes, Ok, you might ‘feel’ that you are ‘living’.                                                                                   

But be honest. See if, on closer examination, you are really.

 If you are, great! If you aren’t, there’s room for improvement!


Twenty-seven years ago, when I was experiencing profound inner pain and rejection, I realized I could either choose to become negative and loveless, or I could choose to become more loving, forgiving, and ALIVE.

Below are 3 separate entries in my diary that reflect the choices before me and the life-giving decision that the Holy Spirit guided me to make:

I repeatedly experienced the pain today. Every time the pain hits, CHOOSE LIFE.

I must find a way through the pain to a more comfortable place.

I am getting fed up with my life being ceded to (other people’s)… behaviour. Somehow I must not let that ever happen. It is WRONG. I much choose LIFE; and even if I think I am getting nowhere, I must believe that God will honour totally my small efforts to choose life; and at some time I shall also FEEL the effects.

 The Lord also gave me the grace to realize that my decision to choose life could not be a one-time affair.

 It had to be re-affirmed continually.

Fast forward …

Six years later, the Lord gave me several direct revelations regarding the persons responsible for causing my pain and the truth behind what they had done to me.

As a result of the Lord’s revelations, I was totally and fully healed.

I strongly suspect that in giving me these direct revelations about what I had endured, and why, the Lord was honouring my repeated decisions to choose LIFE!

And after the revelations, the Lord asked me to write a book to help others.

This website and this article are also the result of my healing.

Had I not made a conscious decision to repeatedly CHOOSE LIFE when the chips were down, would I have been able to do these things?

Please choose LIFE, no matter what!


 Medical Doctors Have a Critical SPIRITUAL Role to Play

I hope you agree that genuine healing of another person requires

  • love
  • compassion
  • wisdom
  • the desire and ability to truly listen
  • humility

These represent spiritual values.

This is why healing by medical doctors requires something far more than merely scientific qualifications.

Do You Think You’re Too Wounded at the Moment to Heal Others?

If so, There’s GOOD News!

At this point you’re probably saying:

‘Jan, how on earth can I heal others when I myself need huge healing?

I have truly good news for you.

Jesus promised that you can get healed and healthy even when you’ve been deeply wounded.

You see, the Lord knew that being wounded would be a real part of your and my lives here on earth.

He has, therefore, provided healing even as we experience deep woundedness.

Listen to Jesus:

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

“You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

 “How happy are those who know what sorrow means for they will be given courage and comfort!

Matthew 5: 3, 4, 9

J.B. Phillips Translation

In the midst of your loss, depression, and pain, Jesus has provided healing for you.

A person who has experienced profound wounds, and has then been healed of them, is eminently qualified to bring healing to others!

That person will have learned a far greater compassion for others and will have gained a ton of wisdom which she might not have gained otherwise and which she can now pass on to wounded others!

Let’s look now at how YOU can become a wounded healer!

How YOU CAN become a Highly Effective Wounded Healer!

Are you yourself experiencing pain to such an extent that you find it ‘impossible’ to love and forgive those who have wounded you?

Are you asking how you can heal others when you yourself are


I have great news for you.

Once you know how to let LOVE heal your wounds, you CAN become an extremely effective wounded Healer!

This is why I want you to discover the 2 simple steps that will guide you into the Lord’s healing of your deep wounds.

I want you to get my FREE Guide:


How to Regain, and Maintain,

God’s Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:

A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One


…and its very helpful PDF accompaniment which you can print out and pin up on your wall:



I want to assure you that there IS a way for you to be healed so that you, too, can pass on God’s love to others.

There IS a way to arrive at the point where you, believe it or not, can come to actually rejoice that you have suffered and experienced painful wounds.

When this happens you will come to understand that despair and woundedness are in fact the surest starting block to healing and resurrection.

A Very Special Tip for Healing

Here’s another tip for healing your deep woundedness:

Ask God to help you FORGIVE those who have wounded you.

Holding on to unforgiveness drags you down.

Eventually, it will wear you out.

When you are wounded, you don’t need to be dragged down and worn out by unforgiveness!

Forgiveness is a matter of the will, a decision.

Your emotions will take time to catch up. But I promise you that, with the Lord’s 24/7 available help and healing love, they will.

Twenty-seven years ago, when I went through a time of extreme pain accompanied by a prolonged and intense attack by the Evil One, here’s what I wrote in my dairy:

I thank God for showing me my rage (towards certain people) and I ask His forgiveness and healing…I am getting a stronger guidance that I need to look after myself—to honour MY soul…

 Think of forgiving your enemies as a matter of honouring your own soul.

This is what the Lord had showed me forgiveness really is.

 You make the decision to forgive. God provides the supernatural help to carry it out.

 Remember, it takes some time.

 The critical thing is to make the decision.

Then you must TRUST God for His supernatural help.

Your Ultimate Goal:

Your Gift to God of Dying Well

When you become aware that your life is ending, you’ll likely look back on how you have lived your life, on how you have conducted your relationships with your family and all others, and on whether you have chosen to sincerely forgive any individuals or groups who have caused you or your loved ones deep pain.

Jesus Has Taught Us How We are to Live

Let’s take a final look at the words of Jesus:

“Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for goodness. For they will be fully satisfied! “

 Happy are the merciful, for they will have mercy shown them!”

Happy are those who make peace, for they will be sons of God!”

Matthew 5: 3 – 9 J. B. Phillips Translation

Or, in The Message translation:

“You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full’, you find yourselves cared for.”

“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.”

Matthew 5: 3 -9 The Message


Watch out for my Christmas message coming soon!


Other articles that might help you:

Are you Running from your Pain? 

How to Honour Your Human Fragility 


Scroll down to get my FREE RESOURCE

I’m Jan Weel. 

In 1984, at the age of 35, in answer to my prayer for urgent help during a personal trauma, God introduced me to a simple and utterly reliable way to experience firsthand, directly, one-on-one, His presence, love and rest.

The early church had prayed in this way. In fact, this is the very same way of prayer that Jesus himself taught you and me.

Get help now. 

If you’re a Christian woman from ANY Christian denomination who’s seeking God’s help urgently for ANY reason, this way is guaranteed to give you the help you’re seeking.

 It always gets results.

Success Stories

Sonia —Mother, Grandmother, and Business Owner 

Jan uses her special gifts to guide me into that quiet place where I am able not only to talk to God but to quiet my inner self so that I can actually listen and hear what God is saying to me.

Patricia—Mother and grandmother

I really miss the one-on-one guidance sessions with Jan. I felt so cared for and respected as I would watch Jan thinking on the spot before coming up with a clear and helpful answer as I placed the complexities of my problem before her.

Nel—University Librarian

There are benefits to having a spiritual guide. Jan has broadened my understanding, offered new insights in a non-judgmental way, and encouraged and challenged me to stay the course in difficult times.

Read More Here

Discover how to restore your inner peace and joy in a way that lasts. Get my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-step Guide

How to Regain, and Maintain,
God’s Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:

A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One

You’ll love the GIFT that comes at the end! 

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