A CLEAR Path to God
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How to Hear, Really Hear, God’s Voice
Part 2
A Personal Story
Thirty-nine years ago, at the age of 35, I was struggling with a severe personal trauma for the first time in my adult Christian journey.
At exactly the same time, I couldn’t ‘find’ the God I knew so well and on whom I’d always been able to rely so much since childhood.
A double-whammy, if ever there was one!
What I did know, however, was that I needed to spend some quiet time with the Lord away from my regular responsibilities.
To do this, I went to a monastery where, the year before, completely unexpectedly, I’d gotten to know the sister in charge of the telephone switchboard.
I knew that in the silence of this monastery I would have the best possible chance of ‘finding’ the God who continued to elude me.
I would soon learn that the reverse was/is also true. In this silence, the Lord would also have the best possible chance of finding me!
My new spiritual guide at the monastery soon introduced me to another particular form of silence —a silence that was/is even deeper and even more fruitful.
In this silence, I would be able to open up myself far more fully to the Lord’s presence and to His healing love and rest that always accompanies His presence.
This silence required that I stopped doing all the talking in my times spent with the Lord.
As a result, I could listen to the Lord.
I was taught to do this by deliberately letting go of all the usual words and thoughts that I (like most of us) had been made to believe are essential to all forms of prayer.
This way of silent, ‘non-talking’ prayer is often known as prayer of the heart.
Learning to let go of words and thoughts gradually opened up a space inside me where the Lord could penetrate right through the several barriers to hearing Him speak that I, like all of us, had unconsciously erected over many years.
Here’s what I need you to grasp:
When this space opened up inside me, several specific things happened:
- I could FEEL the Lord’s love for me, not just in a general way, but for me, Jan, specifically
- I developed more and more trust in Him
- I became convinced that He wanted to be my friend
- I wanted to be His friend
- I began to understand that He wanted only the BEST things in life for me
- I gained the confidence that enabled me to hear Him speaking directly to me —not to someone else, to ME!
- I wanted to talk to Him and ask Him questions
- I gained the confidence to EXPECT Him to answer my questions in His way and time
Each one of these was a ‘first’ for me.
Yes, I had always known at some level that the Lord loved me.
And I had always known at some level that I loved Him.
But I had grown up mostly with the kind of prayer in which the person ‘praying’ did most, if not ALL, of the talking!
I didn’t know about the kind of prayer in which you stopped talking so that you could open yourself more FULLY to the Lord’s presence and actually listen to Him.
When you create a space inside you, the Lord starts to dismantle the barriers to hearing Him speak that you and all of us have quite unconsciously erected since childhood.
You can then begin to hear the Lord speaking to you, firsthand, one-on-one, directly, without filters —regardless of what life experience (joyful or traumatic) you might be facing at the moment.
This happens not just during the time of heart prayer but outside it: for example, when you are
- washing the dishes
- driving to work
- reflecting on the scriptures
- talking on the phone
- preparing for a business meeting
- listening to music
- playing with your kids or grandkids
etc. etc.
You see, during your time of heart prayer, you fine-tune your spiritual antennae.
As a result, when you return to your normal everyday duties, you’re in a far better position to hear God speaking to you clearly and directly.
The Lord Longs to Speak to YOU…
Not to Somebody Else!
Please take my word for it …
God has no favourite children. Hearing the Lord speak to you can be your experience just as much, and even more, as it has been and is mine.
You’ll experience huge joy and peace when you start to understand that you and God can talk to each other like fast friends.
And here’s the other thing:
The Lord makes sure that His conversation with you is always tailor-made to the person you are and to your needs of the moment!
God never, ever uses a ‘one-size-fits-all’ way of relating to you.
As far as God is concerned, you are unique.
No one else will ever have the same conversation that you and the Lord will have during your time on earth!
God Usually Speaks Very Quietly
No doubt, the Lord can use a megaphone to get your attention when He wants to speak to you.
But the Lord’s usual way to speak to you is very quietly, as He did to Elijah (1 Kings 19:12-13).
In my own experience over 37 years, God doesn’t usually speak in an audible voice, although that certainly can happen.
On just two occasions in my life, He’s spoken specific words (not taken from the scriptures) to me. Although these were not audible words, He spoke them with such force, clarity, and authority that He might just as well have spoken them audibly.
I want you always to remember that God has given you —not someone else, YOU —the specific, supernatural capability to recognize and hear His voice!
So … it’s high time to turn on the tap to a meaningful, 2-way, genuine, intimate, free-flowing, honest, lifelong conversation with God.
Apart from the gift of loving God, yourself, and all others, and of being eternally loved by Him, your ongoing conversation with God is the gift from Him that you take with you when you meet the Lord face to face.
An Important Word of Caution
Having instilled in you the vital importance of being able to hear God’s voice speaking to you, I nevertheless must now throw in a word of caution.
'It is that you need to make very sure —especially in times of crisis or confusion, or in any important life matter —that it is God’s voice you have heard and not your own fanciful imaginings and/or the voice of the Enemy who is, after all, fully capable of masquerading as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)!
You need to ask the Lord sincerely to give you specific confirmation that it is His Voice you have heard.
And you need to learn to expect this confirmation from the Lord.
Remember, the Lord ALWAYS honours any request that accords with His will (1 John 5:14 – 15 NIV).
Are you starting to appreciate that your ability to hear God’s voice is a beautiful gift from God that you can’t pass up and that it’s foundational to your prayer and to your friendship with Him?
Watch out for Part 3 coming soon
Want to be able to hear God speaking to you?
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Want to get to the point where you EXPECT the Lord to answer you?
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I’m Jan Weel.
In 1984, at the age of 35, in answer to my prayer for urgent help during a personal trauma, God introduced me to a simple and utterly reliable way to experience firsthand, directly, one-on-one, His presence, love and rest.
The early church had prayed in this way. In fact, this is the very same way of prayer that Jesus himself taught you and me.
Get help now.
If you’re a Christian woman from ANY Christian denomination who’s seeking God’s help urgently for ANY reason, this way is guaranteed to give you the help you’re seeking.
It always gets results.
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How to Regain, and Maintain,
God’s Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:
A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One