A CLEAR Path to God
Have a look…
Attention all Christian Women
Do the prayers that have worked so well for you for so long now seem to fall flat on their face?
Does the Lord seem to be eluding you?
If you want to connect, or reconnect, to the Lord urgently in order to solve a personal problem, crisis or trauma, or heal a relationship, but haven’t been able to do so, then you’re probably missing this piece …

It’s time to discover the missing piece that allows you to connect or reconnect to God, and to experience His love and peace and joy…firsthand, directly, one-on-one, for yourself.
Hi! I’m Jan Weel.

A very warm welcome to my online magazine for Christian women from any and all Christian denominations, aclearpathtogod.com.
I trust you’ll find your visit worthwhile and that you’ll find something here that inspires you to keep going forwards on your journey with God.
Are you missing this piece?

Are you:
- needing God’s urgent help to make a critical life decision, solve a personal problem, heal a relationship, deal with personal loss, solve a family or covid-related crisis, survive a new challenge or any kind of trauma, or deal with any other tough situation that demands urgent answers
- lacking inner peace and joy
- yearning to experience firsthand and directly the Lord, His love and His rest
- yearning to do so whenever you want or need to
- finding that your relationship with God is missing the ‘spark’ it once had
- finding that you have reached a plateau or are experiencing ‘staleness’ in your prayer life
- wanting to be able to hear God speak to you personally
- wanting to present your anxieties and problems to God honestly and unreservedly, ask Him questions and have the confidence to EXPECT Him to answer you
- realizing that you urgently need to get your priorities in order (not just spiritual priorities but priorities in general) so that you’re not exhausted all the time
- realizing that you’re having unusual difficulty making decisions
- missing out on a sound night’s sleep
The goal of this online magazine is to introduce you to a powerful way of praying, of being present to God, that many dedicated Christian women still don’t know about.
This missing piece makes all the difference to your journey with God and to your personal relationship and friendship with Him.
It empowers Christian women of any and all Christian denominations to go beyond mere doctrine and traditions to
- an actual meeting with God
- an actual experience of God’s presence, His love, and His rest
- —whenever you want or need it
When you are able to meet God in this way, unparalleled benefits unfold not just in your spiritual life but in your life in general.
You’ll find lots of practical online help and resources in this online magazine.
You can apply them to whatever ‘impossible’ life situation you might be facing this very moment and wherever you might be right now, this moment, on your Christian journey.
This missing piece is a way of praying with your heart (the word ‘heart’ used in the sense in which Jesus and the Father use it i. e. your whole person —your words, thoughts, actions, will, conscience, emotions, motivations, decision-making process) rather than merely with words.
It is the way Jesus himself taught you in Matthew 6:6.
It always gets results.
It works.
I know what you’re thinking: ‘Jan, how can you be so sure?’
Here’s the answer.
I can be entirely sure that it always gets results because it’s not me who is your Teacher.
It’s the Lord himself.
And I know that He will never fail you.
I’m just the one who facilitates the process.
That’s all.
You’ll find lots of practical online help and resources in this online magazine.
You can apply them to whatever ‘impossible’ life situation you might be facing this very moment and wherever you might be right now, this moment, on your Christian journey.

This Might Surprise You, But …
I want you to know that…
…If you need to connect to God urgently but ‘just can’t find Him’, you don’t need right now to attend more Bible studies, read another book, hear another sermon, listen to your favorite CD one more time, seek advice from your wisest friends, or even attend more prayer groups.
These are all absolutely vital.
But the time for them is not right now.
Right now, you need 4 things only —and as soon as possible:
- a way to enter into the Lord’s presence directly so that you can experience His presence, healing love, and rest —firsthand for yourself, directly, on-on-one, without all the usual filters of words and thoughts
- the confidence to start an ongoing, two-way, genuine conversation with the Lord, so that you can present to Him —honestly and unreservedly —your anxieties and problems
- the confidence to ask God questions and then confidently EXPECT Him to answer you!
- some form of reliable, regular Christian spiritual guidance
The Single Goal of This Website

…is to teach Christian women a simple way to experience God’s presence, love and rest directly, one-on-one, firsthand for themselves, and without the usual filters, so that they can
- reach a deep inner peace and joy that lasts
- reach a deep inner peace and joy that no one and no life-situation can ever take from them again
- sleep well at night
- accept themselves just as they are —sins, warts and all
- accept others as they are without first having to change them!
- experience a God who is more real to them than their spouse, children, or best friend
- experience the return and improvement of their energy and overall health and wellbeing
- develop and nurture healthy, loving, rewarding and lasting personal relationships
- enjoy their jobs at work
- contribute meaningfully to the lives of others and to their faith communities
A Glimpse into Who Jan Weel is… Really
Just in case you’re wondering who Jan Weel really is, I want you to know that I’m not some special kind of special ‘spiritual’ person cut off from the highs and lows of raw, regular, everyday human life.
Like you, I live in the real everyday world in which the Lord has invited each one of us Christian women to live.
Like you, I do jokey (is that a real word?) things and I do serious stuff.
I experience joy and pain, holiness and sin, personal victories and personal weaknesses, times of celebrations and times of deep woundedness.
And, like anyone else, I sometimes fall to temptations to sin.
I am the mother of two wonderful adult daughters and the grandmother of two engaging, entertaining kids aged 10 and 6.
I am extremely proud of them all and deeply grateful to the Lord for giving them to me.
Though Covid has intervened in everybody’s lives, we’ve managed with God’s ready grace to entertain each other, embark on new experiences, and continue to laugh a lot!
I really enjoy kids.
I also love to cook and garden.
I am sustained and nourished by the beauty of nature!
And I am intrigued by anything to do with architecture and design.
Music is a vital source of nurture and re-creation for me. When I’ve got my radio or CD player on and the beat is unusually infectious, I often stop what I’m doing for a few seconds and dance!
I’m utterly fascinated with how human beings —from birth to beyond age 120 —communicate with each other.
And I am even more fascinated with how human beings —from birth to beyond age 120 —communicate with God.
This communication can take place through words, theatre, music, painting, or any other form of art.
I deeply value the use of silence as a means of communication, whether in spoken language or in music.
For sheer relaxation and education, autobiographies and biographies are my favourite kind of books.
The intertwine between human psychology and spiritual transformation is a compelling and ongoing interest for me.
Two or three inspirational Christian inspirational books are always close to hand or open on my bedside table. Many others line my bookshelf.
My favourite time of day is dusk.
This is when, after an active day, I enjoy the beauty and peace of God’s sunsets and the emergence of His tiny twinkling stars and moons of varying size.
I love the Lord’s gentle, evening invitation to quiet down and enjoy the healing silence.
Some other stuff about me …
I have actually fully experienced everything I offer in this online magazine.
I believe that an effective Christian spiritual guide must have actually experienced for herself everything she uses to guide others.
Otherwise, her words will lack the necessary authority. And those whom she guides will rightly sense this quickly!
I believe that knowing the scriptures, spending regular time in God’s presence, some degree of training in Christian spiritual formation, a long experience in guiding others, and receiving regular personal spiritual guidance for oneself, are additional vital requirements for guiding others on their spiritual journeys.
For 26 years, I’ve successfully accompanied and guided Christian women from a wide variety of Christian denominations on their individual spiritual journeys.
For 35 years, I’ve opted to keep myself transparent and accountable by receiving regular ongoing spiritual guidance from holy, humble, anchored, well-trained and highly experienced Christian spiritual guides, both women and men.
I’m also the beneficiary of a unique, intensive training in Christian formation.
Regular time spent in God’s presence is the backbone of my own journey and work.
Thirty-seven years ago, I was in your shoes.
I know how it feels to need the Lord’s help desperately, only to have to admit that He seems to have disappeared completely off your radar and that you can no longer ‘connect’ to Him.
I know how it feels to need urgent help from the Lord but have to admit that all your prayer efforts that worked so well for you before have now fallen flat —just when you need the Lord most.
This is why I care so deeply about introducing Christian women to a simple way of praying and connecting with God —a way that always gets results.
My overriding passion is making sure that Christian women, preferably, but not necessarily, over the age of 35, get the quality of help and guidance they need, when they need it, both in times of crisis and when life is running smoothly.
My overriding passion is making sure that Christian women, get the quality of guidance they need both in times of crisis and trauma and when life is running smoothly
Christian women whom I’ve guided over 26 years say …
Mother and Grandmother
“Jan has taught me in a very non-threatening way how to do something that I find perhaps more difficult than others: how to enter into silent prayer so that I open myself up to the Lord in a way I had never done in this way before.
I really miss the one-on-one guidance sessions with Jan. I felt so loved as I would watch Jan thinking on the spot before coming up with a clear and meaningful answer as I placed the complexities of my problems before her.”
Nel, University librarian
“There are benefits to having a spiritual guide. Jan has broadened my understanding, offered new insights in a non-judgmental way, and encouraged and challenged me to stay the course in difficult times.
Jan’s approach truly enlarges our understanding both of the scriptures and of prayer. With her guidance and accompaniment, I arrive at a much richer understanding of both the scriptures and of the God at their centre.”
-Patricia, High School English Teacher
“Jan’s words—written and spoken—are credible because everything she teaches to others she has already experienced firsthand. Jan’s personal awareness of God’s constant presence and love in her life at all times has truly impacted my life and outlook.”
Now be kind to yourself …
Discover how to experience God’s love firsthand for yourself and, in the process, restore your inner peace and joy in a way that lasts. Get my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-STEP GUIDE
Scroll down to get my Free 2-STEP GUIDE
Discover how to restore your inner peace and joy in a way that lasts in my beautifully illustrated, paint-by-numbers, FREE 2-step Guide
How to Regain, and Maintain,
Lasting Inner Peace and Joy:
A Guaranteed Way to Experience God’s Presence, Love and Rest One-On-One